Advantages right from the start

State-of-the-art technology for your benefit


No installation necessary

Plus 1: INtex software does not need to be installed on computers or smartphones. So you don't have to install or activate anything.



Updates with no effort

Plus 2: INtex software updates itself with the least effort, namely none at all - you do not have to do anything, the latest version is used automatically.



No synching problems

Plus 3: Forget about synching problems. Always access the data from the central server live. Nothing needs to be updated, it is current.



The browser is the "best app"

Plus 4: INtex software runs in the browser. Forget the app chaos with different versions, update cycles, installations and feature sets.



Everything already there

Plus 5: Since the data is on the server and the solution runs in the browser, everything is always there. Regardless of whether you get a new computer, use a replacement device, sit at the computer in the hotel lobby. Device type (smartphone, tablet, computer) and operating system are irrelevant. You can work immediately and anywhere.



Low system requirements

Plus 6: INtex software can be used on all devices with an HTML5-capable browser, i.e. on Macs and PCs, Android, iOS and Windows tablets, ChromeBooks and smartphones, SmartTVs and Linux computers.


Integrated security

We can promise you comprehensive security for INtex software:

  • Your data will be stored in a professionally managed data center in Germany.
  • Full consideration of the high data protection standards in Germany (incl. Sample agreement for order data processing).
  • Your data can only be used by you with a login consisting of a user name and a secure password. Transfer of all data exclusively via SSL-encrypted https connections.
  • Adjustable user rights (admin, user and examiner are already predefined, TEAM).
    Regular backups protect you from data loss. You can also download backups to a local hard drive.
  • Consideration of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG)



Future security

INtex software is future-proof because we rely entirely on open source components. Buyers receive the source code files in PHP, Javascript and HTML unencrypted. Thanks to these standards, the software is not so easily incompatible with new operating systems.

Data security

Your data is safe. You can export your data at any time, make additional backups and process them with other programs. You are not locked up. In addition, a wide variety of techniques and data formats for data processing are supported.

Security from attacks

INtex software protects you from attacks. Since nothing needs to be installed on the clients, you can neither catch malware nor infect it with viruses or Trojans. The server is extensively protected against such risks. Access is only possible with a user name and secure passwords.

Investment security

Your investment in INtex software is also safe. Before buying / renting, you can inform yourself intensively, without registration and without cost risk. Rent is also not a subscription with us, so you do not have to observe any notice periods or give notice of termination.